Videos & Articles
Trading Psychology
A recent survey from Betterment shows an increase in day trading during the pandemic. That’s great, BUT be aware, trading is a mind-game, not everyone is cut for. The best traders realise they are fighting – not only the markets – but also themselves ????
Over millions of years of evolution, we have developed very effective survival strategies. When facing a threat, we either fight it, we run away, or we freeze. Even though trading is hardly a matter of life or death, our emotional reactions in a challenging market are basically the same as they were when our ancestors faced a fierce predator thousands of years ago.
The best traders know their emotional reactions, and how to cope constructively when markets are pushing them out of their comfort zone.
Leadership cooks culture for dinner
Your culture is a product of the dominating leadership behavior. Want to change your culture? then start with aligning your leadership practices from the top down, and ‘role model’ the behavior you expect from others… then the culture will follow. Demanding?… yes. Complicated?… no.
Leadership with a personal touch
Add a ‘personal touch’ to your leadership and get better performance and engagement.